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JRBeanCollectionDataSource Error retrieving field value from bean


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My setup is that I have a bean that I want to fill my report with.  The code below is how I try to run my report where cc is an instance of the ClientCode bean.  I am getting an error "Error retrieving field value from bean: ClientCode".  Is there a way to get more information than this or is there something obvious that I am doing wrong. 


Please let me know if there is more information needed.  Thanks in advance for the help.

List<ClientCode> dl = new ArrayList<ClientCode>();                dl.add(cc);                JasperPrint jp = JasperFillManager.fillReport("c:\\documents and settings\\upjohs.ICCCAP\\My Documents\\NetbeansProjects\\MyBatis\\src\\report1.jasper", m, new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(dl));                JasperViewer.viewReport(jp);
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Thanks for the reply.  I think I have figured out the issue, but please tell me if I am wrong.

I have two java beans one bean contains a list of the other bean to try to mirror a one to many relationship of the data.  I was trying to pass this bean in the collection to jasper.  It seems that Jasper won't look for fields within the list of the second bean, is that correct?

I have been reading to try to find a solution to my problem other than just writing the query in the report.  If anyone knows how to solve for this either by creating a collection that contains both beans or anything it would be helpful.

Thanks to all for the thoughts.


example code is below

public class Client{   private List<Addresses> a;    public getA();....}public class Addresses{   get/set....}
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