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Text/Fields Merging Expression


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Hi all,

Does any one know how to create a combination of text and data fields to a report like below:


The first parameterized is %1 and the second is %2.


Where %1 and %2 are merged fields that will be filled by data get from database.


Thanks in adavance.

Duc Bui



Post Edited by buiquyduc at 11/23/2010 02:33
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do you mean that you have a static text in your detail band?

if so it is very simple

add static text field and text fields combined together check following code...

I hope I am getting you in right direction. if not please share your jrxml and more details

			<textField>				<reportElement x="147" y="0" width="69" height="20"/>				<textElement/>				<textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[$F{field1}]]></textFieldExpression>			</textField>			<staticText>				<reportElement x="16" y="0" width="131" height="20"/>				<textElement/>				<text><![CDATA[The first parameterized is ]]></text>			</staticText>			<textField>				<reportElement x="306" y="0" width="100" height="20"/>				<textElement/>				<textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[$F{field2}]]></textFieldExpression>			</textField>			<staticText>				<reportElement x="216" y="0" width="100" height="20"/>				<textElement/>				<text><![CDATA[and the second is ]]></text>			</staticText>
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Hi Rajendra Tambat,

Thank you for your replies.
Sorry for my very short description the issue.
Actualy, my issue is have a text paragraph and somewhere in that paragraph, I need to fill data to that, for example, I have the sample letter below:

Dear All,

I’ve always believed that "Destiny is only by choice and not by chance" and I am glad that I chose to join %1.

If I hadn’t I would’ve missed meeting so many wonderful people, building on both personal and professional relationships and getting once in a lifetime experience.

The day has come when I have to say goodbye to a place which became my second home away from home. This eventful and joyous journey in company started on %2.

The heaven called %3 where I had the best days of my life with some of the most wonderful people of %4 batch. My heartiest thank you to my friends whom I spent most of my time with be it arguing on some topic to pulling each other’s leg ..

Where %1,%2,%3,%4 are places that I need to fill from fields get from database. I assumed have fields and values
field1 = ABC
field2 = 22/12/2009
field3 = John
field4 = Development

Then the letter will be like:

Dear All,

I’ve always believed that "Destiny is only by choice and not by chance" and I am glad that I chose to join ABC.

If I hadn’t I would’ve missed meeting so many wonderful people, building on both personal and professional relationships and getting once in a lifetime experience.

The day has come when I have to say goodbye to a place which became my second home away from home. This eventful and joyous journey in company started on 22/12/2009.

The heaven called John where I had the best days of my life with some of the most wonderful people of Development batch. My heartiest thank you to my friends whom I spent most of my time with be it arguing on some topic to pulling each other’s leg ..

Thanks in advance
Duc Bui

Post Edited by buiquyduc at 11/23/2010 08:08
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Still to achieive the same effect you can use textfield to draw a onle line of paragraph or a whole paragraph itself

and in expression of it you can simply use $F{Field1} which will automatically get replaced.


try below code in your text field expression replace values of field1 and filed2 appropriately

"The heaven called "+$F{Field1} +" where I had the best days of my life with some of the most wonderful people of " + $F{Field2} +" batch. My heartiest thank you to my friends whom I spent most of my time with be it arguing on some topic to pulling each other’s leg "
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Hi Rajendra Tamba,

Thank you very much about your replies.


One more question related to this topic.

In case of content is styled from RTF file, how do I fill values ?  The content like below:


Dear All,

I’ve always believed that "Destiny is only by choice and not by chance" and I am glad that I chose to join ABC.

If I hadn’t I would’ve missed meeting so many wonderful people, building on both personal and professional relationships and getting once in a lifetime experience.

The day has come when I have to say goodbye to a place which became my second home away from home. This eventful and joyous journey in company started on 22/12/2009.

The heaven called John where I had the best days of my life with some of the most wonderful people of Development batch. My heartiest thank you to my friends whom I spent most of my time with be it arguing on some topic to pulling each other’s leg ..



Bui Quy Duc

Post Edited by buiquyduc at 01/24/2011 04:06
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