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Make a table flow in some boxes

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I'm making a report with a table that requires little horizontal space (only two little columns) , but it has many many rows. I'd like to save pages by making it flow in two columns (or, in general in some boxes) in the same page. Here is a drawing that should make it clear.

Is it possible to achieve this with iReports?

Thanks in advance,


Post Edited by lucrus at 11/11/2010 14:17
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1st of all, I actually did NOT need a table... I only assumed that a table could solve my problem.

2nd, I actually did NOT need the rows to flow into generic boxes, it 's enough if they flow into two (three, four....) columns in the same page. I assumed I had to use boxes because of my habit of using boxes in vector graphics software.

Given those relaxed constraints, the solution is fairly simple: it's enough to set to 2 (or whatever) the number of columns in the report.

Post Edited by lucrus at 11/12/2010 15:36
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