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Jasper 3.7.4 with IText 5.0.4


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 I'm using Jasper Report 3.7.4 with iText 5.0.4...

I'm getting the following error:


java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/lowagie/text/DocumentException

at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfStream(JasperExportManager.java:158)


What could it be ?


Thanks in advance...

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 Because with the latest one I'm getting this error...

I thought it was something wrong with Adobe Reader, but talking on the forum I realized it could be a problem with itext

I suspect there is something wrong with iText...




Post Edited by fgomes1983 at 09/16/2010 16:38
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This is one of the 5.0.4 problems, indeed. Package names are changed.

But you could still download JR sources from here, then replace the iText 2.1.7 jar with the 5.0.4 one, then replace the iText package names in the following JR classes:

  • JRPdfExporter
  • JRPdfExporterContext
  • JRPdfExporterParameter
  • JRPdfExporterTagHelper
  • BreakIteratorSplitCharacter

then modify the version of the iText dependency in the pom.xml file, and rebuild the project in order to get a new JR jar.

And first of all, find out if your app may use an AGPL licensed library.

Hope this helps,


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  • 3 years later...

OK, so the first thing I thought when I read this thread was "Why on earth would they be using an ancient version of iText" -- but having looked at the AGPL (which I'd heard of, but am not familiar with), NOW I understand why.


So, the next logical question is... It seems that there weren't many (or ANY) iText alternatives when this question was posted over three years ago, but maybe Apache PDFbox might work now? Any thoughts about adapting Jasper to use it? The Apache license is much more permissive than the AGPL.

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(Sorry, posted this as a comment by accident!)


OK, so the first thing I thought when I read this thread was "Why on earth would they be using an ancient version of iText" -- but having looked at the AGPL (which I'd heard of, but am not familiar with), NOW I understand why.


So, the next logical question is... It seems that there weren't many (or ANY) iText alternatives when this question was posted over three years ago, but maybe Apache PDFbox might work now? Any thoughts about adapting Jasper to use it? The Apache license is much more permissive than the AGPL.

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