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multi-page report for each iteration


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I've been stuck on this problem for a few days now. I have searched the forums for quite a while and tried many suggestions.  My problem is that I'm trying to create a multi-page report per iteration through a custom datasource.  For example:  I have my JRTableModelDataSource containing students and their grades.  I would like to have in my report, all students, two pages per student. So each iteration through the datasource would give one student, two pages.

Now, the closest example I could find on the forums was here:


This seems to be very similar to my issue but I was unable to understand it well enough to execute it myself.

Also I tried a different way around it attempting to use larger bands found in the tips and tricks section. This way gave me the two pages I wanted but only returned 1 student and did not iterate through because it was not in the detail band.

The majority of my time was spent attempting to use subreports.  I saved the two pages as different reports and was able to get each one of them working seperately with the correct data and all of the students.  When I added them as subreports I was never able to display either of them.  Most likely because I was passing the data wrong, or I was getting confused about where I was in the datasource and it would iterate in the master and subreports. 

When I did attempt to pass the data to the subreports, I did make sure to change the type in the subreport expression. I was unsure if I needed to pass the built-in datasource parameter or to add the JRTableModelDataSource to my hashmap of parameters in my java code and create a parameter for it  and pass it to my subreport.

In the end, when dealing with the subreports I only see blank pages or it hangs when JasperFillManager.fillReport() is called. I realize there are many many posts about blank sub reports and have taken a look at some of them but it seems none of the cases are similar to mine.

I apologize for such a poor explanation of my problem  and will be glad to explain more. I have only been working in iReport for a few days now and am trying to understand it better.

Thank you for your time and help


Post Edited by lrey at 08/31/2010 15:59
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After some more work on this I created a master report and in the detail of it ,I put a subreport containing the 2 pages I want per student.  In the subreport I put page1 in the title and page 2  in the summary and made it put the summary on a new page.  With this I am able to get the 2 pages per student that I want, but the field data is only being displayed in the first one.  Oh, and also I am passing the datasource as an object .  So now I am needing the data to display for all of the students, not just the first one.

It's possible, that maybe I need to rewind the datasource? If this is the case I believe I would need two datasources and from what I understand iReport doesnt work too well with multiple datasource iteration.

Thanks again for your time and help!

Post Edited by lrey at 08/31/2010 15:58
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Because of time constraints, I am forced to complete this the only way I know how, and that is passing all of the items I need from the master report to the subreport through parameters.  This is by no means elegant considering I have to pass around 500 parameters. I really really did not want to have to do this but I dont know any other way.  Although, I would still like to know a solution as I am sure i will stumble across this issue in the future.

Thank you.

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