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preventing repeating headers in xls/csv export


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I am building reports via iReport 3.7.4, and would like some tips regarding exporting to xls format.

I'd like the pdf and html version to display the page header on each page, as it currently does.

I'd also like, if the xls version to only output the page header one time.  I've tried several of the 'export option settings' and all of them for xls seem to result in the page header repeating for each page.  So far I've had the idea that creating an alternate version that moves the page header into the 'title' band will work, but I thought I'd see if anyone had a way to get this action to occur all in the same report.  Maybe do a 'print expression when' setting for the page header band and the title band based on format selected by user?

Also, users are requesting a CSV option and once again I'm running into the same type of issues, the header values repeat throughout the csv output, as well as the group headers' and footers' data getting inserted into separate rows.  Let me know if thoughts on just getting all the fields' data all into one row each in the CSV version with the header fields only displaying top row.  Would that require an additional version of report?  Is there a way for the report to just take all the rows/fields from the sql and export it into a CSV, ignoring the report's formatting?

Thanks in advance,

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in a similar task solved time ago I passed to the report a parameter that specify the export format I'm generating

(I produced several report format from the same jrxml source with a servlet)

whit this parameter (XLS, PDF, CSV etc...) I modify the report layout and, if it's too hard to manage then I use it to switch through several templates ( a solution that I don't like but sometimes it's necessary because of the "rigid" jasperreport model)

Maybe can be useful intercept the exporting format of the jrxml and using it to manipulate the layout without passing it as a parameter... but they are similar methods.

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