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please help me iam new to jaspersoft


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Iam new to jaspersoft.Can anyone help me out?

1) What are the knowledge we need to have to work with jaspersoft like mysql,xml etc...?

2) We have our datas in mysql database,how we can get report using it in jasperserver?

3) Whether we can view the database in jaspersoft ?

4) Can anyone explain how to generate a report step by step with a sample database and table in mysql.

Please help me.


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1) What are the knowledge we need to have to work with jaspersoft like mysql,xml etc...?

R - Java, SQL, XML

2) We have our datas in mysql database,how we can get report using it in jasperserver?

3) Whether we can view the database in jaspersoft ?

4) Can anyone explain how to generate a report step by step with a sample database and table in mysql.

R - You should try reading the official documentation at


Bruno Abdon

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I can create reports and charts for my datas in myswl database.

R - I suppose you're asking about the feasibility of creating a report for you data stored on a MySql database. The answer is yes you can create such reports with JasperReports.

whether we can use excel as a datasource for jasper and ireport?

R - As far as I know, this can't be done out of the box. But you can write a java class that knows how to read your excell files and implements net.sf.jasperreports.engine .JRDataSource, and this will do the job.

Bruno Abdon

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