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date/timestamp/string exprsin clas n blnk pag


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In my report, I dispalying start time details of some data processes. When the expression class is set to java.lang.String I get the result in following way.

Start Time        2010-05-28 18:06:36.0

If I keep the expression class to java.util.date I get following result.

Start Time: 5/28/10 6:06 PM

If I keep the expression to java.sql.TimeStamp I get following result.

Start Time: 5/28/10 6:06 PM.


My question is, is it possible to keep the expression class set to java.lang.String and set the clock 12 hours format instead of 24 hours format. (Right now I am able to see the time in 24 hrs format) so that i can see AM and PM along with seconds details. In other two expression classes I am not able to see seconds detail. Is it possible to achieve this? Do I need to set any property in this case? Or do I need to pass any SQl query for this? Also I see a blank page at the end of report which contains only header. I mean to say, my report is 3 pages. I see 4 pages. 4th blank one including header. Why I am seeing this? Please suggest/advise.


Best regards.

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use the expression class set to java.util.Date
but use this pattern (copy it in the texfield) :    yyyy-MM-dd KK:mm:ss a


for the extra page I think there is a bad layout organization... try to set it better.

give us feedback.

 (next time try to choose a better title maybe with some extra letters...)


if it works (and IT WORKS)... give me KARMA points please!    : ) 

listening: A SERBIAN FILM (SRPSKI FILM) - Soundtrack

Post Edited by slow at 07/26/2010 09:03
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I'm talking about copy it to the "pattern expression", the 4° row in the text field properties editor on the right side of your Ireport standard layout when you click on the Date textfiled you want to format and show...



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