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ReportClassLoader: how to add my reports to it?


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I have troubles previewing my reports in iReport 3.7.1 using the following setup:

All reports use a custom JRDataSourceProvider, which returns a specific JRRewindableDataSource implementation, depending on the report. Connecting to it (testing the connection from the GUI) works fine.

All implementations are in an external implementations.jar, which I add to the classpath (from the menu). They were loaded in iReport 3.0.x and iReport 3.5.x using the current thread class loader, but this does not work anymore.

If I have a subreport, it has an expression for its datasource, which again looks for a datasource in implementations.jar, using the same class loader. This was also working before.

Some more details: All these datasources use injected classes internally. To inject the classes, I create a validate() method in the installer.class in the ireport-designer module (com-jaspersoft-ireport.jar) which injects the required classes. This is still working fine, I think.

More details on how I load the datasource implementations here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3142515/how-to-make-the-java-serviceloader-work-in-a-netbeans-6-9-module-application

What should I change in my setup, so the new iReport can find my data sources? I found in the iReport sources a class, called ReportClassLoader, which does some magic which some hidden class paths. Is this something related to my problem?




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