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How do you declare array parameters?


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Hi all,

I'm using JasperReports 3.7.2. I'm creating a report, using the Java compiler. Now I'd like to add an IN clause using the $X{} Syntax.

My query is

select FIRST_NAME, SURNAME from test_data where $X{IN, FIRST_NAME, FIRST_NAMES}

Regarding the parameter, the JasperReports Ultimate Guide states, that "The name of the report parameter that will supply the values list. The value of this parameter can either be a java.util.Collection instance or an object or primitive Java array."

I'd like to declare my parameter FIRST_NAMES as array of java.lang.Strings. I want to do this to keep the type information of the elements, which I'd loose if I used a Collection. Therefore I tried using [Ljava.lang.String; as type, which is the way you'd obtain a String[] using reflection. This results in

net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRValidationException: Report design not valid :       1. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: [L;

When I use "java.lang.String[]", the report compiles (in iReport), but I fail to supply values for the parameter. I tried
  1. "Mack"
  2. {"Mack"}
  3. String[] {"Mack"}
  4. new java.lang.String[]{"Mack"}

All these attempts ended with an

java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: [Ljava.lang.String;.<init>(java.lang.String)      at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(Class.java:2706) 

So, could anyone supply me with the correct way to do this?
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Thanks for the answer, but that doesn't work. When I supply

java.util.Arrays.asList(new String[]{"August", "Barbara"})

as parameter, no restriction regarding the first name is applied. Also the NoSuchMethod Exception is still thrown.

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new java.util.ArrayList(
        new String[] {
            "August", "Barbara"

That's what I did (except using Integer types) to pass in an array to be used as:

$X{ IN, C.ID, CityCode }


Post Edited by thangalin at 05/31/2010 15:02
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And your parameter is declared as String-array, or is it a List or some other Collection?


I'm asking because I'm declaring my parameter FIRST_NAMES as array of java.lang.Strings. I do this to keep the type information of the elements, which I'd loose if I used a Collection. I'm using the type information in my client application to generate "typed" UI widgets.

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The CityCode parameter was declared as java.util.List. The Default Value Expression was what I showed above. I may have had to do some type conversions because the data came in from a comma-delimited list in an HTML form, passed through PHP, then bridged into JasperReports.
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