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Access Field Data after Fill Report


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 Is it possible in Java code to access the data in a field after you fill it?

We produce a report, actually a label, and want to be able to see the data in certain fields and then perhaps store that data into our DB for later use?

We are using Jasper to generate packing labels, etc and we have barcodes on those labels that can contain a number of different fields combined.  As we sometimes want to verify that our printing is producing good quality output we want the user to scan back the barcode and we check it match's what we thought was in it.  Previously we generated all our labels via code and knew when we created a barcode and wrote it to the db for checking later.  But as we are using iReport and Jasper to take a collection of our DTO's to create the label we don't know, without doing a lot of work, if the label contains a barcode.  So i was hoping to either get the report to write the barcode contents to the db (don't think this is possible or wise) or once we fill the report in our Java code access the fields and there data to store into the db.



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