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creating a more than 1 page report


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Hi to everyone!!!

I'm just new in this forum and I'm a new iReport user too!!! To say the truth I'm using the iReport adptation to the software LocalGIS, but I see no many difference at all with the original software. I have a big problem I hope someone can help me to solve. I'm trying to create a report of more than 1 page (without counting theTitle and the summary). p.ex, puting in one all the information about a urban area and in the other the plan and some images. I tried with "Insert a page/column break" but it doesn'work. what I want is the possiblility to insert a new page in the same report, I mean with a new page header, column header etc 'till the page footer. Is it possible? because I read that someone succeded in it but I can't find HOW!


Chiara Porcu

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It depends by your iReport version. The easiest way in iReport 3.7.0 is to add other detail bands and a page break at the end of the first ones, so each detail can take a whole page.

If you use an older version, you should use a subreport for each page, and pass what you need to print to the subreport using parameters. The subreport may have a datasource expression like:  new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JREmptyDataSource()

Between each subreports, put a page break element.

Now, can you read this post? It's very important:


Thanks a lot



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