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Can we add filter on parent child dimension?


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Hi All,

I have a dimension with parent child hierarchy as shown in code block. The issue i am facing is if i have a filter on parent child dimension then drill through table does not apply that filter instead it shows all the data for that dimension. Here is an example.

Now suppose i have 4 rows in npg_page_type_view table
id display_name parent_id
19 HTML 100
20 PDF 100
21 XML 0
100 Total 0

Now suppose in my fact table i have following records
id count
19 2
20 3
21 1

Following is my analysis view.
Total (HTML and PDF) - 5
HTML - 2
PDF - 3
XML - 1

Now if i add filter(say Total) on this analysis view using OLAP cube. Then my analysis view shows the following.

Total (HTML and PDF) - 5

Upto this point everything works fine. Now if i click on 5 (to view drill through table) It shows me data against all page type i.e. HTML, PDF, XML but as per filter it shold show only HTML and PDF.

Is it an issue or am i doing something wrong here? Please help me.


  <Dimension type="StandardDimension" name="page_type_d" caption="Page Type">    <Hierarchy name="page_type_h" hasAll="true" allMemberName="all_page_types" allMemberCaption="All Page Types" primaryKey="id">      <Table name="npg_page_type_view" alias="pt">      </Table>      <Level name="Page Type" column="id" nameColumn="display_name" parentColumn="parent_id" nullParentValue="0" type="Integer" uniqueMembers="true" levelType="Regular" hideMemberIf="Never" caption="Page Type">        <Closure parentColumn="parent_id" childColumn="page_type_id">          <Table name="dim_page_types_closure">          </Table>        </Closure>      </Level>    </Hierarchy>  </Dimension>
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