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Authentication problem with repository WS (C#)


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I'm consuming the repository WS with an ASP.NET C# web app to run a report.
My C# code :

===========================JSRepositoryService.ManagementServiceService mss = new JSRepositoryService.ManagementServiceService();NetworkCredential nc = new NetworkCredential("MyLogin", "MyPwd");mss.Credentials = nc;mss.PreAuthenticate = true;// Generate request XMLmss.runReport(requestXML);=============================[/code]

When I call the runReport method, I get the following error :

La demande a échoué avec l'état HTTP 401 : Full authentication is required to access this resource[/code]

The credentials I use belongs to a company, BUT when I use the folowing credentials :

NetworkCredential nc = new NetworkCredential("superuser", "superuser");[/code]

It works !

Same conditions for the IReport plugin.

Please tell me what I'm doing wrong /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/regular_smile.gif

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I have solved this issue by adding tenant id to login, like this :

NetworkCredential nc = new NetworkCredential("User|Tenant", "Pwd");[/code]

Now I can perform my request, BUT I have an other problem...

My request to runReport is the following :

<request operationName='runReport' locale='fr'><argument name='RUN_OUTPUT_FORMAT'>HTML</argument><argument name='USE_DIME_ATTACHMENTS'></argument><resourceDescriptor name='' wsType='' uriString='/Rapports/MyReport' isNew='false'><label>null</label><parameter name='UserId'>7</parameter></resourceDescriptor></request>[/code]

I get the following error :

Le client a trouvé 'application/dime' comme type de contenu de la réponse, alors qu'il attendait 'text/xml'[/code]

In english :

The client expected content type 'text/xml' but found content type 'application/dime'

Please help me on this one


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  • 9 months later...


I am having one login screen, where user can login, after login user will redirect to page where user can see all available list of jasper servers reports.

I heard something like we can show all list of jasper server reports by using web service, but i do't have any idea, how we can acheive this.Or we have to do with some another idea?

Second point I want to show all available list of the reports without login of jasper server. I do't want to login again for entering in the jasper server.


Please help me out.


Thanks for your time and suppport.


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