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Deploying chart customizer


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I have designed a report that required a chart customizer for its look. Now I want to deploy it to JasperServer. Expected to be able to read about it in the ultimate guide but they contained nothing on the subject.

So could anyone here help a newbie with this. At the moment I have a .class file at my local drive, what are the next steps?

Thanks in advance, I realy appreciate any support on this.


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There are two ways to deploy it.

If you don't expect it to change much, and you would possibly use it in several reports, it's easier to deploy the class as part of the web application.  To do so, you'd either place the class file under WEB-INF/classes, or package it in a jar and place the jar under WEB-INF/lib.  Note that if the Java class is not defined in the default/root package, you'll have to create a folder structure corresponding to the package under WEB-INF/classes or inside the jar file.

The second approach is to package the class in a jar file and upload it as a resource to the report unit.  This doesn't require restarting the server.



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