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exportReport has no errors and 0 byte output


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I am rather new to JasperReports, so sorry if this is an obvious isse.  We are creating reports (for download) in a web application.  These reports are based on database queries - so the data is (obviously) different for each customer.  Certain customers are able to download the reports just fine - however, other customers, when downloading, receive a 0 byte file.

I have tried to debug this issue, but there is basically no debug level logging for JasperReports (at least version 3.5.3 - latest available via Maven).  I have the "problem" area narrowed down to where I call the exportReports() java method. I can see my JasperFillManager.fillReportToStream() method creates a file with an output size > 0, but then when I call exportReport - the file size of the result is 0 bytes.

Has anyone seen this before?  Again, I know my jrxml file is fine, because this does work for certain customers - so it would appear that somehow the data is "breaking" exportReport() - even though there are no errors of any sort (OOM, encoding, etc etc)..

As this problem is vague, I am not sure what type of information would be helpful - please let me know of anything else I can post to assist in this situation.  For what it is worth, I have attached the code snippet that calls exportReport...it should also be noted that regardless of the exporter type, the "0 byte" problem happens...

many thanks!



Post Edited by andyatmiami at 04/09/2010 12:45
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