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Want to do math on variables


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I want to take the sums of two columns and add together. The first column is the hours, the second is the minutes. Something like;

$V{tot_hours} = (($F{hours}  *  60)  + $F{minutes} )   / 60)

This will equal the total number of hours as a decimal. Then I can multiple by the hourly rate.


Any suggestions?


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why don't you use a variable for each column you want to sum?

you can define:
a variable $V{sum_hours} that is the sum of all hours that you have in your report...
a variable $V{sum_minutes} that is the sum of all minutes that you have in your report...

and then use this variables:

$V{tot_hours} = (($V{sum_hours}  *  60)  + $V{sum_minutes} )   / 60)






if it works... KARMA point please!    : )  

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use the intValue() when you want the int from an Integer... so:

define $V{tot_hours} as Integer

and set the expression as:

  new Integer((($V{sum_hours}.intValue()  *  60)  + $V{sum_minutes}.intValue() )   / 60)

if you want use with integer values...
if you prefer double or float value use Float or Double types...

read this for basic usage of the primitive wrapper java class:




if it works... KARMA point please!    : ) 

Post Edited by slow at 04/07/2010 07:16
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I am still not getting this correct.

The variables are defined as java.lang.Integer.

If I use:

((($V{timeproj_h_2}.intValue()  *  (60))  + $V{timeproj_m_2}.intValue() )   / (60))

I get cannot cast int to integer.

If I use:

((($V{timeproj_h_2}  *  (60))  + $V{timeproj_m_2})   / (60))

I get :

* is undefined for the argument type Integer,int.


I seem to be lost in Value Type Hell.

Any suggestions to explain this or just get around it?






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if you read better my last post :

new Integer((($V{sum_hours}.intValue()  *  60)  + $V{sum_minutes}.intValue() )   / 60)

you MUST create a new Integer value... it's only JAVA rule! :)


if it works... KARMA point please!    : )

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