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Bar chart category labels


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I have a stacked bar chart with dates along the category axis and multiple data values stacked up for each date.  The chart is fine when I am showing 30 or so dates as each bar is wide enough to display the date label rotated 90 degress at the bottom.  However, when I try to display 90 days, there are (of course) 90 bars across the axis and the labels all mash together.  How can I display, for example, only every seventh date label?  I've tried using the "Label" part of the Category Series and even providing an additional field to use as the label.  The additional field is blank for labels I don't want to show and has a formatted date when I do want it to appear.  The "label" field is apparently ignored and it still tries to show a date label for every bar.   I can find nothing else in the properties area that might address this need.

This is something that is easy to do in Crystal Reports.  Is this feature available in iReports?

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It appears the I need a "Time-Series Bar Chart". The regular "Time-Series" graph offers just a line chart. I can make the data work, but a line chart does not present the data the way I need it. It is more important that the makeup of the date broken out by the series variable is displayed rather than the changing of each separate series over time. Is there a "Time-Series Bar Chart"?
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