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DB2 on an AS400?? Connection help please...


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We've got a mainframe db2 running on an AS400.  How do I create the datasource connection for that?
When I usually go and query something I have to go through telnet basically and connect to the AS400 first then make the connection to db2.  It seems that all the jdbc drivers I've found so far only handle the database side of the connection and not the server side of the connection.  Am I missing something obvious?  There's a ton of data in there I'd like to start creating reports for and I don't want to have to install DB2Connect on my pc to do it.  :)  Thanks in advance.



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We are currently using JasperServer on JBoss to run reports on a DB2/400 database.

We use the JDBC driver that comes in the IBM AS/400 Toolkit for Java. We make this available on the JasperServer classpath by putting jt400.jar in the JBoss server/default/lib directory.

We configure the JasperServer JDBC data source as follows:

    Name: JdbcAs400Db2    Label: JDBC AS400 DB2    Description: AS/400 database    Driver: com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCDriver    URL: jdbc:as400://[server];extended dynamic=true;naming=system;package=jbpkg;package cache=true;package library=jboss;errors=full;date format=iso    User Name: [username]    Password: [password]

Hope this helps. I symphathize with anyone trying to use modern technology with the AS/400. Both of you.


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I'm not completely familiar with JBoss.  Is it the app server on a different box altogether?  I'll go try and find the toolkit you're talking about.  My Jasperserver installation is using it's own tomcat instance on a suse linux box.  Thanks either way for posting.

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