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Can\'t get text to always show in the new page


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Hello, I need help.

I have a report which contains all the standard form questions that I want and it has a subreport (which lists some products). This subreport could be a short list or a long list. There are some static text in a box which I like to show after the subreport and always in a new report page. How do I do that? That box will occupy the whole A4 size page.

I've tried using page break, but it didn't work. I've tried moving the static text in the box to a new detail band (and 'Print in First Whole Band') but it didn't work either. I've attached the code below which I like to appear always in a new report page.

Please help.

Thank you.

<band height="802">			<rectangle>				<reportElement stretchType="RelativeToBandHeight" mode="Transparent" x="1" y="2" width="533" height="800"/>			</rectangle>			<line>				<reportElement positionType="Float" stretchType="RelativeToBandHeight" x="432" y="2" width="1" height="800"/>			</line>			<staticText>				<reportElement positionType="FixRelativeToBottom" x="330" y="782" width="100" height="20"/>				<textElement textAlignment="Right"/>				<text><![CDATA[Total:]]></text>			</staticText>			<line>				<reportElement positionType="FixRelativeToBottom" x="2" y="782" width="533" height="1"/>			</line>			<rectangle>				<reportElement mode="Transparent" x="1" y="3" width="533" height="33" isPrintInFirstWholeBand="true"/>			</rectangle>			<staticText>				<reportElement x="436" y="6" width="91" height="20"/>				<textElement/>				<text><![CDATA[Price (inc GST)]]></text>			</staticText>			<staticText>				<reportElement x="3" y="6" width="424" height="29"/>				<textElement/>				<text><![CDATA[Customer Requirements: (List any additional requirements, service level agreements, customer requirements, any non-standard specifications if applicable)]]></text>			</staticText></band>
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