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Input Contols not working in JasperServer


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Hi, Not sure if anyone else has posted, apologies if they have.

I have a report with a single list value parameter set up which works okay in Ireports.  I added the values to the list manually and when i run the report in ireports i can see all the values in the drop down list i would expect.  However, when I run it through the web it only ever shows the first value in the list.


Any ideas?


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When you say: "when i run the report in ireports i can see all the values in the drop down list", do you mean that you have deployed the report onto the server and are running the report from the server in iReport via the JasperServer plugin?


Can you show us what the input control definition is? Screenshots are fine.





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What you are doing should work :-(


Do you have other Single Select lists that work showing multiple options in the browser?


If you look at the source of the parameter page, can you see the missing options? If you can't, that looks like a server side bug.


This should not be an issue, but what browser are you running? Firefox, IE?





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  I have tried antoehr report but its doing the same thing so I think its server side, I just have no idea where the issue could be.

I have tried it both in firefox and explorer and its the same on both browsers.


Does anyone have any ideas what on the server might be causing an issue?  I think my next option is to totally uninstall jasperserver and try re-install it but obviuosly this is a bit drastic...

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I have a similar problem (not exactly the same, but it looks a different effect of the same issue).

I recently upgraded my JasperServer from release 3.5 to 3.7.

On the server, I have many reports. They all work properly with the new JS release, except one.

This one is a report with five parameters:

  • two dates (a date interval)
  • two strings (single selection combo boxes)
  • a multiple selection parameter (check boxes)

When I run the report on the server, it opens the parameters window (as usual) where I can change parameter values, but when I push "OK" nothing happens (the report is not executed and the parameter window is not closed).

I tried to re-publish the report, but nothing changed.

I tried to modify parameters definition (specifically, I changed the multiple selection in order to use a list box), but nothing changed.

My suspect focuses on the multiple selection because it's the only report where I use it, but I wasn't able to find a workaround.

By the way: if I schedule the report, it runs!!

The problem happens onny with "interactive" execution.

Swood, do these information suggest you something?

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