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Identify computer used to produce output


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Dear Forumites
In a matter that is now before the High Court of Namibia:
I have in my possession a PDF document that lists the following
[Document Properties] [Description] if queried with Adobe Acrobat Reader
6.0.0 2003/05/19:
[Description] [Application] JasperReports (VotersRoleConsti)
[PDF Information] [PDF Producer]: iText 2.1.0 (by iowagie.com)
[PDF Information] [PDF Version]: 1.4 (Acrobat 5.x)


The file is not protected.
Now my questions:
1) Is it, in any way, possible to identify the computer that was used to
produce this file? Is there any identification information stored in the
file that is not accessible by using the above methodology?

2) Is it, in any way, possible to change/customize the application field
DURING/BEFORE file creation?

3) Is it, in any way, possible to change/customize the application field
AFTER the file was created?

4) Is it, in any way, possible to change/customize the created/modified
date field DURING/BEFORE file creation?

5) Is it, in any way, possible to change/customize the
created/modified date field AFTER the file was created?




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