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Single Select Query with parameters


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I am using iReport 3.5.0 and I have a report with single select query input control. I would like to have parameters in this query but when I try to do it, I get this error:         net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Parameter "test" does not exist.

Is there a way to do this?



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Do you mean the name of the Input Control itself or the name of the Query inside it (once I click on "Edit Local Resource")?


In case I haven't explained clearly what I want to do, here are some more details.

I have a report with a query that takes a two parameters: $P!{locale} which has a value of e if the locale is english and a value of f if it is french, and $P{client} which has an input control. This input control is named client and is of type single select query. In that query, I need to use the same parameter $P!{locale} as well but it does not seem to be working.

I should maybe also add that doing a preview in iReport runs the report without any errors.

Post Edited by silvannos at 01/22/2010 19:44
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The Parameter and the input control need to have the same name: in this case it seems to be 'client'.


I am not entirely sure if you need the locale paremeter as the JRXML has a parameter REPORT_LOCALE which is filled by the environment, such as iReport or JasperServer.


the syntax using the ! is only if you are injecting code into the report query.


please share the querystring, parameter definition and details about the input control.

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Here is the query found in the input control:

SELECT srch_ownr_cd AS code, nvl(srch_ownr_altnt_nm_$P!{locale}, SRCH_OWNR_NM_$P!{locale}) AS name FROM srch_ownr_cd_tbl where srch_ownr_dspl_ind = 1 ORDER BY srch_ownr_nm_$P!{locale}

My locale parameter is of class string and has a Default Value Expression of: (""+$P{REPORT_LOCALE}).equals("fr")?"f":"e"

The input control is of type Single Select Query, as I have said before. I have checked mandatory and visible. The Value Column is code and the Visible Query Column is name.

If you need anything else, ask me and I will provide it.

Thanks for all your help.

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