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JS source code bug: & vs &


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I got the JS source code from the JasperForge SVN repository (/trunk) and it looks like there was (on 12/15/2009) an error in the scripts/mysql/js.jdbc-mysql.properties file:


The & before "characterEncoding" should be XML encoded to &

In the normal Tomcat + MySQL build this string goes in META-INF/context.xml, and the XML parsing error keeps Tomcat from starting the app:

SEVERE: Parse Fatal Error at line 31 column 88: The reference to entity "characterEncoding" must end with the ';' delimiter.

Has anyone else run into this problem?  Maybe it's already been fixed in SVN.

Anyway, here's the part I really don't understand.  I had JS 3.7 RC running fine from the packaged (.exe) installer.  I removed the /jasperserver folder from /webapps (saving a copy elsewhere) and laid the new jasperserver.war file (from the SVN source) in webapps.  Then I fired up Tomcat and got the error indicated above.  Since this is Tomcat 5.5 and the app was being deployed from a war file, Tomcat copied META-INF/context.xml to its conf/Catalina/localhost/jasperserver.xml.  I can get the app to run by manually editing this file, changing & to &.

Now here's the really strange part.  If I shut down Tomcat, delete the bad webapps/jasperserver folder, copy back the good jasperserver app from where I saved it before, delete the conf/Catalina/localhost/jasperserver.xml file, delete everything in the Tomcat work/ folder, and start Tomcat up again...  the old conf/Catalina/localhost/jasperserver.xml is back, and causes the same XML parse error.  I have no idea where this file is coming from.  I did a search through the (good) webapp and it is not there, the META-INF/context.xml file is fine, etc.

Any Tomcat experts out there who can explain what is happening here??


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