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Generate analysis view in jasperserver


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 Hello Everybody,

I have just started learing the jasper server and iReport analysis and reporting tool. I have successfully created simple reports using iReport and am able to view them from jasper server repository on jasper server browser.

As I was going through the JasperServer Documentation to read on "How to Create Analysis View?". I really got confused from where to start. Can anyone please help me on this? I will simplify my problem.

I have installed "jasperserver-ce-3.7.0-RC-windows-installer.exe" and "iReport-3.7.0-windows-installer.exe". I have "Oracle 9i" DBMS installed on my machine. [All applications are installed on the same machine(Server).]

Database Schema:

Employee: EmpID, EmpName

EmpWork: EmpID, Month, HoursWorked

From iReport, I can create report of (list of employees etc) using SQL and JDBC connecter (ojdbc.jar).

Now I want to use the analysis view to create multidimensional report with Employee Name(JOHN, MARK, KANT....) in rows and Months(JAN, FEB, MAR...) in Columns such that each cell value show the number of hours worked by an employee in a month.

Can anyone please guide me to resolve the issue mentioned above??



Kevin Christian

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I have tried running Mondrian application(http://localhost:8080/mondrian) from JasperServer/mondrian-3.1.4.jar. But I can not run it. Do I really need Mondrian application to create OLAP schema? or is there any other way for creating multidimensional report from Oracle Database.

I have also tried JasperETL, but not able to start it due to Incompatible JVM error.

Am I going in the right direction or not?

Please guide me.

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