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How about Calculation="Percentage"?


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A calculation="Percentage" would be somthing very handy to us.
Many times we don't want to simply display percentages in the reports but also use the values of those percentages as a base for other calculations.

Took a look at the Jasper source code and I see all the supported calculations calculate their result line by line and don't require values that will only be available at the reset time of the variable. And as such it looks like it's not possible to do a calculation Last or Percentage. Is this model something that you might change? With the way calculations work now, the api to implement new incrementers ends up feeling a bit limited.

Something else that would solve this kind of situation would be to add a Evaluation Time property to variables much like the Text Field's. But looking at the source for the JRFillVariable, adding something like this is far from simple, the infrastucture to support this just doesn't seem to be there.

So my question ends up being, do you see a good way to promote Percentage calculations to first class citizens in Jasper Reports? When dealing with a vast number of reports, the workarounds needed to properly show and use percentage calculations are quite a pain that we want to try and solve with code.

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As you've already found out, implementing such calculations would be difficult given the way the engine currently works.  Otherwise we would have probably done it a long time ago.

There's nothing more that I can tell you.  I agree that such features would be useful, so we have been considering it, but there's no concrete plan to implement it at the moment.



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