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3.7.0 issue


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 I updated my JasperReports (& iReport) yesterday to the 3.7.0 version.


I've got a massive report (an invoice) with quite a few subReports.  I've run into an issue that I just can't find a reason for what's happening.

There is at least one converted report that wlll is no longer produced 'correctly' (meaning in the same way as 3.0.x).  I have included the source for review.

The issue is that the Summary band does not print immediately after the detail section for the report.  Instead it is printed at the top of the next page.  It exhibits this trait all the time when I print just this report alone (with one set of "Circuit" information).  When it is produced as part of its 'masterReport', the first summary is moved to the top of the next page but the remaining grouped circuits will vary in the location (some are printed immediately after the detail while others are printed at the top of the next page just like the first one).


pg1 when report is produced 'by itself' shows first page (single circuit) w/o summary information (always moved to top of next page)

pg2 when report is produced 'by itself' shows the summary from the detail printed on previous page.  This always happens when printed in 'standalone / by itself' mode.


pg1 when produced as part of masterReport shows multiple subReports (one of which is the one in question) with the summary being moved to the top of the next page.

pg2 when produced as part of masterReport shows the summary from previous detail and other results of the subReports with summary section printed 'correctly' (IMO).  The last circuit has its summary moved to top of next pg though even though there is plenty of room on this page for it to be printed.

pg3 when produced as part of masterReport shows summary from previous item printed at top.  Then another circuit (none with summary info 'between' and summary printed at top of next page).  Used to show that it seems to be random to me.

pg4 when produced as part of masterReport shows the summary information at the top of the page for the previous detail and one final circuit with the 'correctly' printed summary.



Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I'm hoping to get this fixed by Tuesday so I don't have to rollback some changes in a java application that are using JasperReports 3.7.0 now.  Thanks.








Post Edited by CaptnTony at 12/21/2009 14:20
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I ended up moving the information in the Summary section to the Group Footer and it seems to be working. I'm not sure why, on just this one report, that it won't work in the Summary section, but with the invoices being generated tomorrow I won't be doing many more changes until after Christmas.

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