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How to generate same report twice?


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hi there,


i am not sure, as i dont have to much time to check, but try to find some more information on the JRExporter. Especially on the setParameter method. Also look for JRExporterParameters. I bet there is one parameter you can assign wich says how many times you want to export.


hope it helps



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Thank you so much ocketje,


I will try on two ideas.


1 - figure out how to print twice using method you told me.


2 - I had an idea to make my main report as subreport, so I have to create another report and create subreport area into it.


Any progress I´ll report here to help also others.



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Hi folks!

I´m posting the solution I´ve discovered for that issue.

My main report will behaves like subreport. So I will create more one report that will be the main right now, that main report will just contains details band actived, inside that will find two segments to fit two subreports areas.

However I was getting an error when I tried to put some pictures inside the subreports, but fixed using one technique discussed here in the forum, just need to run pictures in cache mode, so the report will process them as well, without further problems occurring.

If I demand to three equals reporting printing, I just create more one subreport area as well and I adjust it to everything necessary to run.

One note: Pay attention when you try to put two subreports together in the same band area as details one. When you do it, mark subreports to floating and no stretching, if someone gonna mark as fixed one, will crash report and will not pop-up all subreports as it should.

So, we have:

- One new report will act like the mains one.
- The last report will act like subreports
- The main will have two (or whathever you wants) subreports areas to fit the same report.
- Put these subreports areas to floating up and do not stretching it. Pay attention whether another element inside the band area gonna do it in a different maner related here.
- I made a break line to breaks report priting and execute the printing in another line. Afterward everything runned ok. I lost a lot of time doing that with a workmate also helping me.

Regards people! I hope that solution can be used further for anyone though the same problem.

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