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Individual colours for chart columns?


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Are these charts static or generated during report generation?  If static, have 3 differently colored charts in the exact same spot, one for each color.  Then in their "Print when expression..." property, implement the logic so that for each detail or depending on a variable, only one chart will print.  This was just a quick thought.  You really need to include more information about how you're making them (or better yet the report itself) for more detailed help.

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Thanks for getting back to me. I will try to be more clear and explain a bit more:

I am using iReport to make the charts, and using JasperServer to display them. I guess they are static charts as I am not generating them through java code.

I don't think the 3 overlayed charts will work, since this seems to only display the entire chart if the condition is met. I wish to have individual bars on the same chart in different colours.

e.g. The first 5 columns (>75%) will be green, then next 4 columns (>65 & < 75) will be yellow, and everything less than 65 will be red.

Is this possible?



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I have managed to implement the desired functionality by overlaying three separate charts, with different series colours for each chart.

FYI, in each chart, in each category series, I had to put the following in the value expression

So, chart 1 has the value expression ($V{Amount} >= 75) ? $V{Amount} : 0

Chart 2 has ($V{Amount} >= 65 & $V{Amount} < 75) ? $V{Amount} : 0

and chart 3 has ($V{Amount} < 65) ? $V{Amount} : 0

That way, the charts overlay each other with separate colours, but do not display the bars if they are out of the range I wish to display.

Thanks for the inspiration about hiding and overlaying.

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I managed it with Chart customization, i selected the color also as a part of the query itself


 to_char(tms_production_fact."productiondate",'dd-mon') AS tms_production_fact_productiondate,
 tms_production_fact."workedspindles"/tms_production_fact."allottedspindles" *100 AS Utilisation,
    when tms_production_fact."workedspindles"/tms_production_fact."allottedspindles" *100 <70
           then '<70     #FF0000'
    when tms_production_fact."workedspindles"/tms_production_fact."allottedspindles" *100 between 70 and 90
           then '70>#<90 #FFFF00'
   when tms_production_fact."workedspindles"/tms_production_fact."allottedspindles" *100 >=90
           then '>=90    #00FF00'
  end as color
 FROM "public"."tms_production_fact" tms_production_fact


and in the bar chart give the "color" field as a series expression


Now write the below customizer class

import java.awt.Color;import java.math.BigDecimal;import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChartCustomizer;import org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot;import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.BarRenderer;import org.jfree.data.category.CategoryDataset;import org.jfree.data.category.DefaultCategoryDataset;import org.jfree.data.general.Dataset; public class BarchartColor implements JRChartCustomizer {    public void customize(org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart param1, net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChart param2) {    	// get the "plot" from the JFreeChart        CategoryPlot plot = (CategoryPlot)param1.getPlot();        // get the dataset        CategoryDataset pd = plot.getDataset();        // create a new empty dataset        DefaultCategoryDataset pdWithoutColor = new DefaultCategoryDataset();        BarRenderer renderer = new BarRenderer();        // simple counter        int serieNum = 0;        // loop on series        for(int i = 0; i < pd.getRowCount(); i++) {        				// get the key. Here it is the legend followed by the color                String serie = (String) pd.getRowKey(i);                // get the legend only                String legende = serie.substring(0,serie.length()-7);                // get the color only                String graphcolor = serie.substring(serie.length()-7);                for(int j = 0; j < pd.getColumnCount(); ++j){                    // get the value                    BigDecimal valeur = (BigDecimal)pd.getValue(i, j);                   // add the cleaned key/legend to the new dataset                   pdWithoutColor.setValue(valeur, (Comparable)legende,pd.getColumnKey(j));                                                            }                // set the bar filling color                renderer.setSeriesPaint(serieNum, Color.decode(graphcolor));                // set the border filling collor               // renderer.setSeriesOutlinePaint(serieNum, Color.decode(graphcolor));                serieNum++;        }        //       // renderer.setItemMargin(0.0);        // set the renderer (which contains our colors)        plot.setRenderer(renderer);        // set the new (cleaned) dataset        plot.setDataset(pdWithoutColor);            }}
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