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Input control to choose subreports


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I have a requirement to build a new report that includes about 7 existing reports.  Basically the 7 tie together in some fashion and instead of running them individually they'd like to run one report that shows them all.  That was easy enough thinking I'd just create a wrapper report and include the 7 as subs.  However now they've decided they want to include the option to choose which of the 7 to run instead of all 7 all the time.  So, I'm thinking I need a multi select input control but I'm not sure how to pass in the list of what subreports to include to the wrapper report or how to setup whatever variables are needed in the wrapper to decide which subs to fill and which ones not to.

As if that wasn't enough I need to wrap a date range around it to pass through and multi selects on the facility locations inside the reports (which is again broken out by choosing all, by region, district, division and individual locations).

So help me out.  How do you create an input control that manages which subreports print?

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