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Styled text (HTML) - what is officially supported?


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I have the requirement to be able to render HTML attibuted text, which works fine. The question I have is what subset of HTML is officially supported? I bought the definitive guide (version 3.0) and it doesn't say. The closest it gets is that it lists the schema for the proprietary XML that we can use. However, I am not sure about a few things:

1. what is the style attribute? is it the HTML or JRXML  version?

2. the list of supported tags mentions <li>, but I don't see a mention of <ul> or <ol>, how do I use it then? (I enclosed these with the <ol> tag in my example, and it worked, but I am not sure if this is officially supported and if this is the correct way of using that.)

Also, I did some tests with RTF, and it looks pretty much the same, with the difference that the list has some visual artifacts. Please see the attached file, this is a fragment from the generated PDF file - you can see small rectangles enclosing the first letter after the item sequence number, as if used for some measurments or sth, I don't know.

As the last question, could you tell me what component is responsible for rendering the styled text? Does Jasper discover that a text field is styled, and break it down into many smaller fields, or does it delegate the work to on underlying component (like iText for rendering it to PDF)?

Best regards,


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