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UREGNT HELP NEEDED -2 License File Problem Contin.


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I have come across few more queries as follows:-


Files which we got on purchasing the Professional Edition’s Developer license are:

1. getting-started-flash-charting.pdf

2. iReport-Professional-3.6.0.tar.gz

3. iReport-Professional-3.6.0.zip

4. iReport-Professional-3.6.0-windows-installer.exe

5. iReport-Ultimate-Guide-3.pdf

6. JasperReports-Ultimate-Guide-3.pdf

7. JRPro.license


Q1. We want to know that, what all these files are for? We know about license file, pdfs and the executable. But we don’t know about the zips provided.  Does zip contain source code for iReport Professional 3.6? If so where is the source code for Jasper Report Professional 3.6?


Q2. I was referring to iReport-Professional-3.6.0.zip and I came across release notes in file named as releaseNotes-3.6.0.txt. I am herewith attaching the file for your reference. So in that file there is Installation Notes. In there they say that:


“2a. Building JasperReports

JasperReports Professional and Developer editions are a set of JAR files and other related resource files that bring additional functionality to the JasperReports Community Edition reporting library. This package contains a copy of the JasperReports Community Edition source files together with the source files that make up the JasperReports Professional and Developer editions.”


So we would like to know about the package. What package exactly you are referring to. Because we haven’t got any “package which contains a copy of JasperReports Community Edition source files together with the source files that make up the JasperReports Professional and Developer editions”.


Also we would like to know about the installation procedures mentioned under the “2a. Building JasperReports” heading. Because all the time its talking about installation of JasperReport and its root directory. But we just have got iReport Professional Edition 3.6.


AND more like that can be found under next header “2b. Installing JasperReports”


“2b. Installing JasperReports

All the JAR files that make up JasperReports can be built by following the steps above. But a copy of all those files can also be found for your convenience under the /lib directory of the current distribution package.”


Again /lib directory of distribution package is referred.


It would be great if you could provide some light on these things as we need to use the binaries of Jasper Report Professional 3.6 in our Java web application.


So giving a brief: 


We are already using the JFreeCharts in our application, but now after new JasperReport Pro 3.6 release we have decided to migrate to Flash based Charting and Map components i.e. Chart Pro and Map Pro. So please guide us to use libraries (which all libraries need to be used in application) and our purchased Developer License. I couldn’t find any information related to this on the forums suggested by Mr. Jim Wong.


I am here with attaching the release note which I was talking about.


Thank in advance.



Gaurav Patil

Software Professional,

Extentia Information Technology

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zip archive is zip distribution of iReport 3.6.0

tar.gz is the same but for Linux.



You don't need actually to build JasperReports library, it is already built and is located here:


It is used by iReport to generate reports.


I think the release notes also cover the JR Pro library. What you should just do is install the iReport and use it :) Fusion Charts will be already there available for you to use. That is if you need to use iReport.

Regarding the libraries - I think I have covered that part in your previous thread.

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