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chart development and testing


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So I am doing chart development and my goal was to avoid having sql statements in jrxml files. I was relying on an example of going from a struts action to generate the report where a list of beans is passed in that is set up in the config file. I am confident the beans contain data and I've had some success doing this but as development gets more complex I don't know what to do about the java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Null 'key' argument errors. The stack trace in the browser is not givng me much to go on; specifically what field is causing the problem. How can I tell what field it's complaining about? Right now, I have been using a sql query off a database to do development of layout than switching to the list of beans for integrated testing. I strip out the <query> taq when I do this. Is this not the correct way to do this work? I do not think the group architect will allow for straight sql off the database from within the report.




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  I think I find it for now. When drawing up the report in iReport, I was retrieving content from a jdbc connection. I guess how I was receiving it was not too important but in the field declarations at the beginning of the report, each field had a child with description. I had another example that was working. I noticed it wasn't using descriptions. So I cut those. Also, I cut the doctype statement at the type. I also had to cut the query element out as well being that I was passing in a collection of beans.




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