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508 PDF tags in a report with groups 3.1.4


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Hello all,

I really hope someone has had some experience with this, because I've tried about everything possible I can think of.  The problem is this.  When I start a table in the page header and row start and close the row and table in the page footer, and make a frame on my detail with a table row on it, and tag the individual details columns with detail tags everything works peachy.

I end up with something like this:




Here's where it gets complicated.  Say within that main page header/footer table and header/footer row, I have a group which I also want in a table.  My first inclination was to put a table start as this had worked within the page header, but this time put it in the group header, and close it in the group footer.  Apparently iReport/jasper does not like this at all and won't even generate a PDF.  So in table structure this is what I was trying to accomplish.

page header -<table><tr>

group header 1- <table>

detail - <tr><td><td><td></tr>

detail - <tr><td><td><td></tr>

group footer 1 - </table>

page footer -</tr></table>

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!


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