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Need help for report design (multiple tables)


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I am totally new to iReports & JasperServer Environment and lost while trying to create a template with multiple tables.

I'm triying to design a report in iReport which has multiple tables that use different fields which are gathered from the same query. What I try to create is something like this :



But since there is only one "details band" I only can make the first table. The other tables are not presenting their rows.

Is there a way to do all 4 tables , one after another, in the same report ?

Thanks in advance..







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Hi Remi

Thanks a lot for the quick reply !!

So what I understand is, there will be a master report and 4 subreports..

Master report won't have a "details band"  and it will only  have the subreports and the title band, etc.. Is that right ?

I have tried to create a subreport but have always got an exception like :


Filling report on server: http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/services/repository

1 - Could not load object from location : C:\Temp\jstmp\report2.jasper

java.lang.Exception: 1 - Could not load object from location : C:\Temp\jstmp\report2.jasper 
    at com.jaspersoft.ireport.jasperserver.ws.WSClient.runReport(WSClient.java:403) 
    at com.jaspersoft.ireport.jasperserver.ws.WSClient.runReport(WSClient.java:320) 
    at com.jaspersoft.ireport.jasperserver.ReportRunner.run(ReportRunner.java:70) 
    at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Task.run(RequestProcessor.java:561) 
    at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Processor.run(RequestProcessor.java:986) 

Does anybody know what that means/causes this ?

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yes that's correct, you can have 1 main report with 4 sub-report in the title band.


Question, Are you tryng to run your report from jasperserver or iReport ?


If runing from iReport then :

in your main report you sould have a string parameter called SUBREPORT_DIR, with ""C:\\Temp\\jstmp\\" as value

and in the property of the subreport expression: $P{SUBREPORT_DIR} + "report2.jasper"

then in case of moving .jasper in another directory, you only have to change the parameter.


If running from Jasperserver then subreport expression: "repo:report2"

but before you need to add report2.jrxml into your repository.


Hopes it can help


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I'm running from JasperServer.. The problem turned out to be that I - with most stupidity -  forgot to compile the subreports so there is no *.jasper file for the program to add as a subreport.. It all works like a charm now.. Thanks Remi. You have been the most helpful..

One last question though ;

You said that there should be "4 sub-report in the title band ". How can I prevent the tables from overlapping ?  I try hard to seperate them in the designer but , having rows as much as 100, the overlapping is inevitable.. should I use them in different bands ?

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