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Low-Cost data migration and ETL tools


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Hi, Im building a database for my company. We are a rather small size book company with a lot of references and still growing. 
We have a Mysql database here and are trying to find some good tools to use it at its best. Basically we are just starting up the database after dealing with Excel: we had a size problem… So im trying to find a program that will allow us to do two different things: the migration of our data from the old system to the new one and a specialized software to perform ETL (Extract, transform and load) on our database. 
About the price of the tools, if we were one year ago, the accounting department would have been pretty relaxed about this. But today, we have some budget restrictions and therefore need a low cost tool. So could you give me some advice on a good data migration and etl tool for a low cost? 
Thanks for your help.
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Hi, Some companies have budget problems and are having to reduce their cost of operation. Have you ever heard of open source tools? They can do the job easily and less expensive than proprietary solutions that cost a lot of money.

You can have a look at a good ETL open source program called Talend Open Studio: it is user-friendly but also has advanced features intended for technical users (java debugger, code injection…). It can perform data migration and ETL as you wrote in your first post.

The website is http://www.talend.com/solutions-data-integration/data-migration.php to download the open source program. They have a forum and documentation you can read. Tell us what you think about the software.

For an ETL benchmark: http://blogs.sun.com/aja/entry/talend_s_new_data_processing

Post Edited by tguru at 07/09/2009 10:26
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