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runReportToPdf problem


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By: Stefano Spaziani - zoso75

runReportToPdf problem

2004-01-27 04:37

Hi all ... I' m using JasperReports in a struts framework. I ' ve already deployed some applications with struts/jasper and work fine;

In a new one I call the method "runReportToPdf" passing it my .jasper template file (as stream), a Map object and my DataSource (implements JRDataSource) ... No error and no output is generated, the instruction point remains inside the method (no Exception is raised) ... If I use the method "runReportToHtmlFile" (passing in the same parameters) it works fine

On another PC the method works fine.

I' m using JasperReports 0.5.1, Java Sun 1.4.2 and JBoss as web container ...

Any ideas ?

Thanks in advance ...

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