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crosstab - rendering on HTML page takes very long


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I have a crosstab which has 4 pages and there are around 250/300 records for each page.

To show one page - it is taking very long time on HTML where as when I export to PDF, it takes very less time to load all the 4 pages. I dont have any clue to improve the performance.

I noticed that there are all different styles and table tags for each <td> tag separately (I checked from view source of the html page). So I am suspecting that all these extra styles and tags are causing the delay (I am not sure though).

Any one has any clues????? Please share/help!

Any info on this is appreciated.

Thanks, Sunianu.

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I know. The issue is that crosstable cells are identified as frames, and therefore, the html export wraps the cell content (usually a textbox) in a table tag.

However, the "frames as nested tables" feature is very useful in html reports because the page structure becomes much cleaner, particularly when using crosstabs.

I still think that crosstab cells should never cause JR to create table tags. The solution is to define crosstab cells as something distinct from ordinary user-drawn frames  (that is supposed to generate a table when using the nested tables option).

An extra feature that many users would love, would be to give crosstab cells attributes identifying them as odd or even row/column. That would make a standard feature such as alternating row colors so much easier to implement for end users.

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So if I understand correctly, you are proposing that frames that are produced from crosstab cells should never be rendered as nested tables in HTML.  This makes sense, please log it as a feature request.

Regarding alternate colors, there is a simple solution for that.  See the demo/samples/crosstabs sample reports shipped with JR.



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