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excel formatting problem


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I prepared a report in rtf which is working fine but I call in Ms-Excel format, Its hide the row and column. It display in column like a then d then J etc..... same in row like 1 then 5 etc. Formatting is not good. I checked there are no columns are overlapping.I have only field which should be dispaly in a to e column.

Please suggest me how set these fields.





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I gone through the topic "Making HTML, XLS or CSV friendly reports" and set my report. I need your help for the following points.

1.  how to set "Minimizing the number of rows and columns in the grid oriented formats (minimizing the number of "cuts").
". what is means of "cuts".

2.   Very typical job to adjust one by one field but row and columns create the problems. Excel reports display the row no. 5,7,9 and hide the 4,6,8.... I need to display all rows, same problem is in column.

when the end user copy this excel file and transfer the data in another database then blank fields create problem.

3. how to display the grid instead of plain report.

I am attaching herewith my jrxml and out snaps for your kind reference.





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