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Problem with stretch type of text field(urgent)


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I have a problem with stretch type of a text field and a line. The report that I am working on has this structure:



Field2              |Field6

Field4              |Field7

Field5              |Field8


Fields 6-8 have left border that is used as a separator between the fields. The separator should be in front of those fields. All fields have stretchWithOverflow = true. What I am trying to do is when a field from column1 stretches the field from column2 to stretch too. For example if Field2 stretches to 2 rows I want Field6 to stretch to 2 rows. Is that possible? Can you give me an idea how to make it? The other problem in this report is that the fields should be in a box. I made the box by connecting 4 lines but side lines don’t stretch with the fields. If I set the stretchType to relativeToBandHigh the lines get too long or too short depending on how much the fields stretch. And if I set it to relativeToTallestObject I don’t see any visible difference with noStretch.


I will appreciate any help!



Post Edited by non_descript at 04/22/2009 13:58
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I have exactly the same problem.

I tried first to solve the problem using <elementGroup> with no success.

After, I tried to use frames with little success. It works sometimes. By using frames, I managed to get correct stretches but I think it was just by chance. If any element of the report was moved a single bit, strtches got scrambled.

The only way I could solve the problem was by using Groups: One group for each report line!! That is a very ugly solution but works.

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Thank you for the help. I used frame to make the box and it is working but I can’t make it work for the fields. maguri, can you explain a bit more about how you made it work. The reason that I want the fields to stretch with the same size is because I need that line between them to be with the full height of the row. May be I couldn’t explain it so I attached a picture. When the report is printed the rows look like row 1 from the pic but I need it to be like row 2(which is ok because there is no stretching) – with separating line.

Can you give me any solution (even an ugly one will do).

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If the line that you show is nested into a frame (along with the text fields), you should set stretchType="relativeToBandHeight" for it.  The "band" in this case is the frame, so the line would stretch as long as the frame stretches.



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