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Unable to call JasperReports from JAR File !


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I'm working with netbeans on a Java Desktop Application, in this application I implemented JasperReports, which are created and compiled with iReport. In the java classes I call directly the compiled jasper file like in code below.

the problem is: When I'm working on the IDE,  the report running works out-of-the box , but once I make a build for the application, I couldn't start it anymore ( I got this : java.io.FileNotFoundException), I releazied that if I put the folder where the jasper file exist (called "report" in this case) in the same location where the JAR-File is, so it works normally!

Knowing that in my Netbeans Project, the "report " folder is inside "src". Is there any way to set up the path to the jasper files , so that they'd be runnable directly from the builded JAR-File?

I'm waiting forward to getting your help.

Thanks in advance


private void printReport(Clients client) throws IOException, InterruptedException {        JasperPrint jasperPrint;        HashMap<String, String> parameter = setParameter(client);        try {            jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport("src\report\client.jasper", parameter, new JREmptyDataSource());            JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(jasperPrint, "ReportKunde.pdf");            Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler ReportClient.pdf");            p.waitFor();        } catch (JRException jre) {            jre.printStackTrace();        }    }
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I'm working with netbeans on a Java Desktop Application, in this application I implemented JasperReports, which are created and compiled with iReport. In the java classes I call directly the compiled jasper file like in code below.

the problem is: When I'm working on the IDE,  the report running works out-of-the box , but once I make a build for the application, I couldn't start it anymore ( I got this : java.io.FileNotFoundException), I releazied that if I put the folder where the jasper file exist (called "report" in this case) in the same location where the JAR-File is, so it works normally!

Knowing that in my Netbeans Project, the "report " folder is inside "src". Is there any way to set up the path to the jasper files , so that they'd be runnable directly from the builded JAR-File?

I'm waiting forward to getting your help.

Thanks in advance



I used double back-slash to give path to the jasper file !

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I created a directory on the server, but not in the context of the application, e.g. E:Jasper.

I then put all report files in this directory and reference it by an absolute path. This way a report

designer can develop reports and post them for use easily.

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Thanks for the answer, but what I'd like to do is to distribute a build of my Java application, as the JAR-File would be "stand-alone", that means that once the user run it, he'd will be also able to run and view the report on his local computer without any problem concernig the pointing path. I hope you'll figure out what I wanted to say (I don't really master english!). Thanks again

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To do this, you can put the .jasper files in a source directory in your app, and reference them via their relative path. Try a few examples creating a file with various relative paths to see how to do this. (Files with a filename but no path tend to end up in the domain1/config folder; work backwards from that location.)

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All of my reports are within a jar file, I load them via getSystemResourceAsStream like this.

JasperPrint jp = JasperFillManager.fillReport(

params, jrrsds);

hope it helps


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It works out of the box, thank you very very much munga ! I will use your proposed solution for the moment to distribute the runnable JAR-File alternatively to compiling through ANT-Task, till I'd learn how the Ant-tasks for JasperReports works, then I will try to accomplish it through Ant.

Thanks anyway for everyone who has answered me on this thread.

Best regards to JasperReports Developping team

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Here is what I use inside my ant compile target.

    <taskdef name="jrc"
      <classpath refid="classpath"/>

    <jrc srcdir="${src}" destdir="${build}"
      <classpath refid="classpath"/>

hope it helps


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Hi munga,

thanks again for your answer, I'll try once I'm finished with doing another task with JasperReport, which is the following:

I used in the beginning to export JasperReport into a PDF-File through the method:

JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(jasperPrint, "pdfFileName.pdf");

Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler pdfFileName.pdf");

Which exports (saving then running) the generated report File into PDF Format,  but what I 'd like to make is to generate and run the report without saving it to a file, knowing that I'm working on a java desktop application and not a Servlet.

I noticed that it exists this method called: JasperRunManager.runReportToPdf()

but I couldn't really realize it in my case. Any idea?  Thanks in advane.



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Hi Javator,

Do you simply want to generate and view your report without creating a file?

If that is the case its easy to do with the jasperViewer

            JasperPrint jp = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jr, params, jrtmds);
            JasperViewer jv = new JasperViewer(jp, false);
from the viewer you can still then save a pdf file or print your report.


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Hi munga,

yes  exactly, i want  to generate and view the report without creating a file. And I used before the method with the JasperViewer, but it seemed to be too slow when I click on the save icon of the JasperViewer Windows, and it took fast a minute in order to get the save dialog, it's why I thought to use another method, which allows to generate an run the report  directly into PDF Format: So once I call the report, it would will be generated then willl Acrobat Reader open within the generated report for example and also without creating a file on the directory. Is it possible ?


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I don't know how to generate a pdf report in memory and have Acrobat reader display it. You may have to look into the Acrobat Reader api for that.

I do have a suggestion for your problem in saving the pdf file, via the JRViewer, taking a long time. I create a new thread to view the report so when saving a file in pdf or xls etc it does not tie up your GUI waiting for an I/O block to return.

On another note if you use native calls in java you loose the run anywhere ability of java.

hope this helps


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Hi Munga,

I think I'll give up and choose between the two solutions, either the exportReportToPdfFile or the JRViewer. I know that  Java is quite slow to call and to be called by native applications, maybe the JRViewer cannot be adapted so that the Save-Dialog appear more quicker.

Anyway I'm very thankful to you by helping me through this thread.

Best greetings

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I am using the follow code






con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dgimageapp","root","ikure");

//Getting the xml file

InputStream in =getClass().getResourceAsStream("reports/report1.jrxml");



JasperDesign jasperDesign = JRXmlLoader.load(in);


//Build a new query

query = "select pid,fname,lname,mobileno from dg_patient where date between '"+from+"' and '"+to+"'";


// update the data query

JRDesignQuery newQuery = new JRDesignQuery();





//compiling and creating the report

JasperReport jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(jasperDesign);


//filling the Report and add it to

JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, null, con);


// JasperViewer.viewReport(jasperPrint);

JRViewer viewer1=new JRViewer(jasperPrint);

JFrame jf=new JFrame();








catch (JRException e)




catch (SQLException e)





for viewing the report. it works in the net beans IDE. but while i am trying to run jar it is not running. help me

thanks in advance.


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