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Detail with multiple independent sub bands

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By: Richard Schmidt - hangstrap

Detail with multiple independent sub bands

2003-11-16 13:46




The ?subreport? example has two bands, where one band is displayed on left, and the other on the right. Is it possible to display them one above the other?


I would like the first band to be displayed completely, and then the second band.




First Client

List of client?s Addresses

List of client?s Phone Numbers

List of client?s e-mail addresses.


Second Client

List of client?s Addresses

List of client?s Phone Numbers

List of client?s e-mail addresses.




Thanks for the help








By: Kaddori - yakamakagruen

RE: Detail with multiple independent sub bands

2003-11-18 08:12

Hi, if you want to put one subreport behind another (downwords) you put them under each other. The second subreport should have in its element description position type = float. That means, that the second subreport will be printed after the first ist finished. You can even put the height of the subreports 1 pixel.





By: Richard Schmidt - hangstrap

RE: Detail with multiple independent sub bands

2003-11-18 11:16


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