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Subreport path


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Hi to all.

I'm making a simple report-subreport hierarchy. I insert the subreport (existing subreport.jasper file) into report.jasper, they are in the same folder. I set the subreport expression to "subreport.jasper" as they are in the same folder.

I recompile both report and subreport and run the report. It all works well.

But the problem is that this doesn't work from the java desktop application. I get the exception:

Could not load object from location : subreport.jasper

I also tried to add the report/subreport folder to the classpath, but that didn't help either.


So, how to add subreports so that they work from the application too? So far I didn't find anything useful, even searching this forum. Can anyone help me out, please? I desperately need help! Any hint or pointer would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks alot!


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when you select put the subreport in report, the program give 2 option for the path of subreport.

relative or pass a path for parameter

You are select pass the path for parameter.

You must create a parameter with the path of subreport.

the name of this parameter you can see in wiew -> parameter of report

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if your report is in the same folder, go subreport propertis -> subreport(others)


in this tab



$P{SUBREPORT_DIR} + "myreport.xxx"


change the last line for your subreport




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Yes, but that works only if I run main report from iReport. If I run the report from java app, I get the exception Could not load object from location : subreport.jasper.


I found a lot of people had the same problem, but no useful solutions (yet)...

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I make this:


//Read Bd

List listaAnunciosP = this.fachada.obtenerAnunciosPorEstadoParaImpresion(anuncioBean, busqueda);


File reportFile = new File(getServlet().getServletContext().getRealPath("//WEB-INF//classes//reportes//busquedaAnunciosImpresionBoletin.jasper"));


parametros.put("rutaImagen", imagenLogo.getPath()); //This are constantes with the path

parametros.put("imagenLogoBoc", imagenLogoBoc.getPath());

parametros.put("imagenLogoCruz", imagenLogoCruz.getPath());


parametros.put("subreportPath", "//WEB-INF//classes//reportes//"); //Parameter with the for subreport



listaObjetosReportar = listaAnunciosP;


JasperReport jasperReport = (JasperReport)JRLoader.loadObject(reportFile.getPath());

JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parametros, new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(listaObjetosReportar));





response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=vistaprevia.pdf");

response.setHeader("Expires", "0");

response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");

response.setHeader("Pragma", "public");




In my report propertys


subreport propertis -> subreport(others) in this tab java.lang.String $P{subreportPath} + "subBusquedaAnunciosImpresionBoletin.jasper"

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Looks like this is the "main" line:

parametros.put("subreportPath", "//WEB-INF//classes//reportes//");


My report/subreport path is something like this (since it's a desktop app):

com/company/project/reports (java way com.company.projects.reports).


They are inside jar file. Can I set the path into the jar file?



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In my aplication, the reports are in src.main.resorces.reports, but this in package view of the program that i use for program. You must put the real path.



parametros.put("subreportPath", directoryHowIsInstallAplication+realPathReports);




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Thank you for barring with me.


Can I get the path in my application? The program can be installed in different folders.


Another thing: the reports don't extract when I install the app, they remain in JARs... Can I specify path into JARs?


Any other idea or direction?

Thanks alot!



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