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Adding Single Report Controls for Dashboard


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I'm trying to figure out how to add single report controls for a dashboard report. I'm using the sample Freigh Report that comes with JS 3.1 and tried adding some input controls (locally defined) to it. When I tried creating a dashboard for this report, I couldn't find the new input control under the Single Report Controls folder at the Available Content pane.


Am I missing some proper steps on how to add a new input control that can be used when creating a new dashboard? The Jasper Server user guide didn't gave much detail on this, so I'm completely clueless.

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After you add a report to the dashboard, the input controls for the report should appear in the list if they are not named the same as existing controls. If that is not happening, it looks like a bug. What sort of controls were the ones you added?




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  • 9 months later...

Hi, we are having the exact same problem with jasperserver 3.1. After reviewing the source code we found out that the problem actually, doesn't appear to be a bug, dashboards do not support multi-value input controls or anything that has a collection data type. We've changed a method in the AdhocHelperImpl class to enable multi-value support, but we are missing something because the parameter still doesn't appear after adding the report that contains it to the dashboard.

Any ideas or help about this would be greatly appreciated.



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  • 1 year later...

Hi Sherman,

I am facing some what same issue.

I am able to pass input control parameter to individual reports.

But in dashboard the same input control parameters in url does not work at all.

It always displays the default value.

How to pass input control parameters in Jasper dashboard.

One more thing this input control is being used by some other reports in dashboard too.

I want to use same input control value in all the reports in dashboard.

Help me out.Stucked for 3 days.Nor result.




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