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How To Split Summary Band ? (Split Allowed)


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hi all,

i'm trying to split summary band, but it's impossible .

i have no select summary on a new page and also i have selected split allowed for summary band, but there is no any reaction.

i'm  trying this for a 6 month but, i have no result :(


i tried all version from 3.0.1 to 3.1.3.


is it possible anyway ? i thing everybody needs this option.


anybody can help me ?



Paata Lominadze.

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is it possible or i'm on wrong way ?

 i need this option,

please help. :(


i want that sum ammount and other table results on summary band, also i have additional information about report also on summary band.

is there is no enough space on page for summary band this move on a new page, which is very bad for me.

sum ammount and count of report is on the next page is bad :(

sorry for my bad english,

Any other idea will be appreciated.




Paata Lominadze


Post Edited by Paata Lominadze at 02/01/09 11:16
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thank you very much for your post.

i need to achieve this case :

i have simple report with data, this table contains column "Amount".

i need to apply sum of ammount on the last page of report, not on all pages.

i took simple text field and place it on summary band under the "Amount" column.

1. Am I right ???  if i am wrong, where it should be placed ??

then also i need to place additional parameters about report on the summary band .  ex : bank information, address, town, country and so on. 

i want that this information must be on the last page after report. for them i use also text fields.

result : i have one "Amount" text field on summary band(On the top of band) and many text fields for information (15 fields).

problem is that, if page does not have enough space for whole summary band after data, band goes to the next page with all of it's fields.

for example on the last page i have enough space for "Amount" but there is no enough space for whole band,

i need that amount field must be in the end of report data,


Sorry for my explanation.




Paata Lominadze.





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Thank you very much for your reply.

i did everything what you told me, my first problem resolved. sum field is always on last page of report after data.

but i want another one task.

if you have only one minute look at my example report wich is attached here.


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The declared band height is used as a minimum height by the engine, so if there is no space left on the current page to fit the declared height, the band is rendered on a new page.  You can workaourd this by breaking the band into several "dummy" summary bands.



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