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Securing Reports


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I have what should be a simple problem but can't seem to solve it. I want a particular user to be able to run all of the reports in a dedicated folder but not edit anything or access any other folder.

I have created a UserID/PW for this purpose and granted READ access to the folder in question (which is two branches off of the ROOT) e.g. Reports/HisReports/

When I log in with that UserID then JasperReports displays a welcome message but then says "The user has no access to this page. " and the only option presented is to log out.

No part of the tree is exposed.

What am I missing please?

Kind Regards


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Hello Steve,

I remember that, when starting with jasperserver, I got troubles like you. In fact, you must also give access to resources involved in your report, as the datasource directory for instance or other directories like image directories.

As for me, I didn't want also that my users cannot even see the main tree, so I created specific roles with an associated home page which is, to summarize, a report listing the reports of the directories they can access with hyperlinks on them to launch the reports. So, all that they can see is a list of reports they can click to launch them. I use the internal tables of the matadatabase and I read in it the users rights to list or not the reports of the directories.

In fact, it is a little more complex, but the basic thing is not to give access to the "viewreportflow" by configuring a dedicated home page to the users.

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