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Jasper MAC 10.5 Font Issue


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When printing reports from Jasper from LAN on MAC OS 10.5 Intel or PPC, the report looks correct in the jasper viewer however on paper the wrong font is being used and the output does not look ideal on paper as it is printing with the Lucida Grande 12 system font rather than are specified Ariel font.  

It is my current belief that this is a Java MAC OS issue that may be resolved when apple comes out with a JRE 1.6 for MAC. 


Can we make any  custom modification to the primary jasper jar to overcome this issue?

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 It is my current belief that this is a Java MAC OS issue that may be resolved when apple comes out with a JRE 1.6 for MAC.  


Can we make any  custom modification to the primary jasper jar to overcome this issue?

JasperReports uses the standard Java printing APIs.  If there is a known problem with the implementation of these APIs in the Mac OS Java, and there is some workaround for it, in theory you could modify the JR printing code to incorporate the workaround and fix the issue.

However, it no workaround is known for the Java problem, I don't know what you could do.  One option might be to completely change the way JR prints reports by rendering a report page onto an image and then printing that image instead of directly printing the report text.  This approach would, however, have its onw drawbacks.



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