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iReport 3.1.2 just does not want to work me...


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I downloaded iReport 3.1.2 standalone, and it freezes whenever I try to do virtuallt anything - even New Report > Browse...

I downloaded the NB plugin but it broke NB's JSF visual web designer, and that's a no-go for me. The designer started working again once I unistalled the plugin.

NB 6.5 by itself works just fine for me. Happy to help debugging/fixing these problems.



I uninstalled the JDK (1.6.0_03) and installed the current version (1.6.0_10). Now both 3.1.2 and 3.0.0 seem to work fine.

Why everything else (including NetBeans) would work fine and just the two versions of iReport wouldn't remains a mystery...

Post Edited by Luca at 11/27/08 15:53
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Well now iReport 3.0.0 is also broken.... :-(

I uninstalled, re-downloaded and re-installed both 3.1.2 standalone and 3.0.0.

When I run 3.1.2, something as simple as New Empty Report > Browse makes the java.exe process shoot up to 50% and stay there for several minutes before I get a response. Changing folders within Browse has the same effect. Once I open a report, dropping an image element onto the canvas has the same effect, but dropping a text field is fine.

When I run 3.0.0, File > Open has the same effect... javaw.exe shoots up to 50%, and the app become unresponsive for a few minutes... changing folders has the same effect... No problems dropping elements onto the canvas, but saving is a no-go.

As reported above in my prior message, NB 6.5 and other Java apps work just fine, so this is caused by something iReport-specific. I run WinXPPro.

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 I seem to have the same problem.  I have been doing fine with NB 6.1 and IReport plugin 3.1.1 but I tried to upgrade to NB 6.5 and whenever I try to open a page in design mode, I get a "Missing Body Element" error.  NB 6.5 works if I uninstall the IReport but I get the same error in 6.5 if I use IReport 3.1.1 which has always worked in NB 6.0.  It appears to be related to my visual JSF components, but I am not certain.


Does anyone have any ideas?

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