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Subreport on a new page - which band?

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Hello there,

I think the reports I am trying to generate are pretty unusual but still I almost completely got it working. To explain: I am using a bean as data source but I only am using just a single instance of the bean not an array or a collection of beans. I access the beans methods my referring to the current bean using a _THIS file and calling:


that way I am placing the information gathered by the beans methods all over the report.

The problem is that at some point the first pace is full and JR will not generate a new page since is does not know that the page is full. Again to make clear JR is not iterating data so the pagination will not work. And I canot just open up a next page in iReport or can I??

So I am working with a new subreport for each new Page.

Subreport Page2
Subreport Page3
Subreport Page4

each with an individual data source but that does not play a role here. Now my problem is that I am not sure where to place the subreports. If I place them in the details band I have some space at the top added to the subreport. I guess this comes from the detail band until it reaches the subreport.

I already have set all margins on the subreports to 0 but it did not help with the space at the top to be erased.

So where do I place the subreports so the report will display each subreport on a single page just like the jrxml file was shown in iReport (w/o any added space to any side of it)

I hope you see my problem



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