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Unable to connect using Hibernate


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I am trying to connect to an Oracle 10 database using Hibernate and iReport 2.0.5. When I set up the connection and test it using the Test button it says that the connection was successful but then when I try to write a HQL query I get the message that iReport is unable to connect to the database. I can write a Java class and insert, update, read, and delete records from the database so I am sure that the hibernate.cfg.xml file, the .hbm.xml and Java class are configured correctly.

Can anyone point me to a good tutorial on using hibernate with iReport? All I have found so far do not talk about how to set up iReport to actually use Hibernate.

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I am having the exact same problem using Oracle 9i.


If I try to run a report with the Hibernate data source I get a error describing a SQL Error. It says it can not find a suitable driver.


It seems that the JDBC connection being used by the Hibernate connection is not using the classpath set in the options dialog.


I have copied the jar file containing the oracle JDBC driver (ojdbc14.jar in my case) into the iReportlib directory and it now works.


Hope this helps.

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